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What Is Sustainability

What Is Sustainability

It’s important to define terms and attach meaning to those terms, sustainability has been defined in a myriad of ways and the meaning interpreted in another myriad of ways, the clearest definition we found that aligns with our mission and core beliefs is the one proposed by the UN Brundtland Commission "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

We are cognizant of the fact that as individuals and a business enterprise we create measurable impact, whether positive or negative, on a daily basis through our consumption and business activities.

In the spirit of defining terms we use, Impact is the measurable actions we take on a daily basis.

As the adage goes, “Improve on you strengths and  work on your weakness”, we are committed to improving the positive impact we create and in reducing or eliminating our negative impact.

Each enterprise or individual is inspired towards this sustainability journey and need or want to make a positive impact for different reasons, we are inspired by the following:

  • Empathy towards all the participants and stakeholders we interact with
  • To increase awareness in the fact that every activity has an impact whether good or bad and taking proper steps to fix it.
  • We all want the same thing, healthy planet, sustainable economy and positive outcomes, we just need awareness.
  • Profit with a purpose?

Sustainability is a an incremental process and a continuous commitment and we are keenly aware that we can’t tackle all the issues, however, everyone can agree that education, environmental remediation, water security and fair equitable income are essential for a sustainable economy.